《The Republic》BOOK Ⅰ——追求不义,抑或正义?


Socrates is the narrator, his Chinese name(苏格拉底) is known to us. However, I get to know that the content is just in his name but the thought is the author Plato’s.

The first dialogue took place in the house of Cephalus in Piraeus after Socrates left city with his followers to join the procession of the festival for goddess.

Piraeus是雅典,同时是希腊的最大港口。2016年中远海运集团收购67%股权 ,成为LAND SEA EXPRESS ROUTE中一环。

When they intended to return, Polemarchus persuaded them to remain where they were, and told them that there would have the torch-race on horseback in honor of the goddess this evening. As Socrates thought, a festival would be celebrated besides.

Cephalus(C) saluted Socrates(S) eagerly and pointed out that S didn’t come to see him, he hoped that S could make their house his resort and keep company with the young people.

S expressed he rather enjoy conversing with aged men like him, for they were just like travelers and had gone through journeys which he might come across later as well.

C then told S his own feeling about age. It was not the right cause to blame for the terrible relations, men’s character and  tempers counted on the contrary.


Round 1 with Thrasymachus

  • Justice is the interest of the stronger
    • Proof: the country represents for the governor’s command, which is out of governor’s own interest
    • Refutation: the governor is not infallible, thus there will be some command actually defect them.
  • Injustice is a man’s own profit and interest,and it’s wise to be injust
    • Proof: the just is always a loser in comparison with the unjust. The just has less after a partnership with the unjust is dissolved, pay more for the income-tax, suffer losses when they take an office, hated by friends for refusing to serve them in unlawful ways.
    • Refutation:  we may put the matter above thus -the just doesn’t desire more than his like but more than his unlike, whereas the unjust desire more than both of his kind. But whether as a physician or as a musician, he don’t wish to go beyond any other people in the same field. The reality is conflict with the first sentence.
  • 正义代表强权者的利益
    • 论据:国家体现了统治阶级的意志,而该意志往往出于统治阶级自身的利益。
    • 驳斥:统治阶级并非颠扑不破,则出台的政策可能对统治阶级自身是不利的,则此时正义并非代表强权者的利益。
  • 不义是个人的利益,明智的选择
    • 论据:现实中往往正义者受损,不正义者得利:正义者在合同中吃亏、上缴更多的税款、履职两袖清风、对身旁的人正直不阿而被厌恶处境窘迫……
    • 驳斥:首先达成共识:上面的论点可引申为正义者只寻求超越不义者的占有,而不义者寻求超越两类人。但事实上,医生或音乐家并不希冀独领风骚,广泛来讲,任何有知者都不希冀拥有全部智慧,而无知者才恰恰相反。以上表现恰与前面的总结矛盾,医生、音乐家与学识之士更为明智却不寻求超越同类。

Round 2 with Thrasymachus

  • Unjust has strength.
    • Refutation:
      • Analogy: everything has an end/use which could not be accomplished by other things and a special excellence, such as one cannot hear without ears, ears have an end as a consequence.  And when one is deprived of its own excellence, it can’t fulfill its end.
      • Conclusion: It had been proved above that justice is the excellence of the soul and injustice the defect of the soul. So with justice can one have a good soul, which can fulfill its end and be a good superintendent, who can be happy and not miserable, which is powerful for sure. And vice versa.
  • 不义者更强
    • 驳斥
      • 类比:任何事物都有它不可替代的作用,同时具有特性,例如耳的听觉,说明耳具有用途。当某事物失去它的特性时,便无法行使它的作用。
      • 结论:上轮已经证明正义是灵魂的特性,而不义是损伤。因此保持正义就是拥有善的灵魂,能够行使主导个人的作用,也即欢乐无虞,这便是最有力的;不义便恰恰相反。


与小伙伴交流心得,尝试利用苏格拉底的驳斥将观点向他进行论证。首先对于不义是个人的利益,明智的选择 这一观点他表示很能理解,但我试着用上述观点解释时,发现有些牵强——「医生与音乐家不寻求超越他的同类」。他也发表意见:“难道医生不应该希望自己的医术精湛,比其他医生更强吗?”我也认同这个想法,心里有个不成熟的解释是这样的:做为一个医生,如果他是首屈一指的,说明其他人都比他弱,而他便没有进步的空间,这并非好事。但这对医生本人的素质要求很高,不是很有说服力。





为什么有知识的人不像无知的人那样想超越一切人?——“知止”中外经典读书会第89次精读活动综述 导读人:张新刚博士(北京大学古典学中心博士后)


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