《The Republic》BOOK Ⅱ——何谓正义?

Background To my surprise, Glaucon suggested questions this time. When I drew the relation graph of bookⅠ, I categorized him into the same group with Socrates and even filled its block with orange-a uniform color of red for Socraties. However, it’s he who was opposed to Socrates, and his idea was argued in three steps:… Continue reading 《The Republic》BOOK Ⅱ——何谓正义?

《The Republic》BOOK Ⅰ——追求不义,抑或正义?

background Socrates is the narrator, his Chinese name(苏格拉底) is known to us. However, I get to know that the content is just in his name but the thought is the author Plato’s. The first dialogue took place in the house of Cephalus in Piraeus after Socrates left city with his followers to join the procession… Continue reading 《The Republic》BOOK Ⅰ——追求不义,抑或正义?

爱你所爱,but why?

为你拥有超凡脱俗的品位倍感自豪?你想多了,该感谢的是你的基因,甚至你肚里的一条蛔虫,还有你周遭的一切。 世界上没有什么比品位更能为自己代言,无论是对美食、白酒的品鉴,还是对伴侣、政党的独特追求,都彰显了我们的个性。此前在我看来,通过一个个随性或理性的选择,我们各异的喜恶观得以建立,换言之,这些好恶或多或少是由我们自己决定的。